Monday, March 31, 2014

Spring Cleaning Advice for your Duradek Deck

Finally! Winter has come to an end and the promises of spring are starting to be revealed with an increased amount of sunshine for many of us as we happily ease into peak season for deck use.

While we anticipate the many barbecues, family events and social gatherings that take place on our favourite outdoor living spaces in the coming months, now is the perfect time to give your deck a really good cleaning to prep it for a long season of enjoyment.

Duradek deck owners can happily start enjoying their outdoor spaces while neighbours with wood decks are procrastinating the labour intensive maintenance required before the leisure time begins...but even Duradek decks need a little TLC in the form of cleaning. Particularly if you've used rock salt or other ice melting chemicals throughout the winter months, you need to give your deck a thorough cleaning before the sun can 'bake' any of those chemicals into your deck surface.

EYA Builders, twice named America's best builder had made good use of thoughtfully planned spaces in their homes which often includes roof decks waterproofed with Duradek. With over 4,000 homes in over 30 neighbourhoods in Virginia, Maryland and Washington DC, EYA builders takes great care of its customers by providing maintenance advice for various features of their newly built homes. This video on cleaning Duradek is one of the ways EYA helps its customers enjoy the fabulous features of their homes and we thought we'd share it with you.

So remember these simple tips for proper care of your deck:

1 - Give your deck a seasonal cleaning.
While all cleaning products are not always available in every market, your best option is to use a cleaning product that states it is safe for use on vinyl. Choose a gentle cleaner and always follow the manufacturers recommendations for use. Here are a few popular examples:
  • Vinyl Deck Cleaner (available from Duradek)
  • Simple Green
  • Tide Detergent (diluted)
  • Cascade Powdered Dish Detergent (diluted)

2 - Give your deck a gentle scrub.
Use a soft bristled broom or brush, but be careful to not apply too much pressure that might wear down the embossed pattern of your vinyl.

3 - Be sure to rinse off all cleaning residue very thoroughly.

While Duradek is manufactured with UV and mold inhibitors, in some rare cases mold growth can be a frustrating issue with a little more work required to clean. If you are experiencing mold on your Duradek, you may want to read this article on mold removal which features an excellent case study by Duradek MidAtlantic on how to identify and combat mold.

Cleaning your deck is a comparatively easy, maintenance free alternative to the sanding, staining, painting and sealing required from other deck systems to keep it looking great.

Just invest the few minutes it takes to clean your deck seasonally and you will have a deck you want to show off for many years like these happy Duradek deck owners.

If you don't yet have a Duradek deck and would like a free estimate for the best option in low maintenance decking, contact a Duradek dealer in your area.

We hope you enjoy creating a ton of happy memories on your deck!

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