This course describes types of walkable roof decks, various waterproofing options, and common problems associated with deck waterproofing.
Walkable Roof Deck Membranes
This course provides an overview of walkable roof deck membranes and roofing systems, including a discussion of the key principles of deck design, design considerations, and how to install and specify roof deck membrane systems.
This course provides an overview of walkable roof deck membranes and roofing systems, including a discussion of the key principles of deck design, design considerations, and how to install and specify roof deck membrane systems.
Click HERE for more information on Course Credits.
Also available is the following article, Enhancing Roof Deck Performance with PVC Waterproof
Membranes – AIA / Architectural Record Continuing Education Series, published in Architectural
Record, Dec.2005
Membranes – AIA / Architectural Record Continuing Education Series, published in Architectural
Record, Dec.2005
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