Sweets® is the largest online product information resource with more than 17,000 CAD Drawings, over 3,000 product catalogue listing and more than 7,000 specifications. While search parameters are flexible, Sweets® offers convenient search by Master Format and allows users to search, select and specify more effectively and accurately.
Duradek Listings on Sweets®
Duradek is proud to be a part of this professional network and you can find an abundance of information on Duradek, Tiledek, Plazadek and Durarail through the Sweets® website. Product information available includes a company overview and product listings, CAD and BIM models, product catalogues, product galleries, specification notes, continuing education opportunities (CEU), and Green information.Duradek Updates on Sweets®
Note: revised Duradek CAD drawings include – OS-09, OS-13, OS-14, OS-15, IS-05, and C-01.
Duradek Details on Sweets®
While browsing the Sweets® product listings requires nothing other than your computer, to view the detailed information you must be a registered user. The wonderful part of that is there is no fee and registration is a quick process that can be completed in just a minute or two. After that, you have full access to the Sweets® site.
In addition to the product listings, you also have access to the online education opportunities for CEUs and easy access to affiliate web sites such as ArchitecturalRecord.com, ENR.com, and GreenSource.construction.com. Not to mention, you have access to 17 industry newsletters. That is a whole lot of information available at your fingertips from one location!
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