Every Saturday and Sunday,
'At Home With Gary Sullivan' provides home owners all across America with expert renovation advice during his call-in radio show and
Duradek is a now a part of this leading home renovation program with two weekly
commercials and inclusion on
Gary's "favorites" list of preferred products. Syndicated in over 120 markets, Gary is a trusted voice in home renovation and an excellent ambassador to educate home owners on the advantages of the
Duradek waterproofing system.
More than just a radio show, Gary has an excellent online presence. He has a blog, e-newsletters and his shows are available on-demand as pod-casts. With Gary's abundant knowledge, his website is a one-stop source of recommended products and advice in all areas of residental renovation projects.

Gary, who began his career as a stock boy in a hardware store at the age of 16 worked his way up the ladder of hardware retail until eventually becoming president and part owner of an 18 store chain in the 90's. This was a very busy time for Gary as in 1996 he also created and hosted a T.V. Show on HGTV called 'The Hardware Store' which aired for 4 years. Now Gary continues with his media career by hosting his nationally syndicated radio show and also holds public appearances such as free 'new home seminars' for Habitat for Humanity. To learn more about Gary Sullivan,
visit his website and you will quickly see why Gary Sullivan has earned his expert status in the home improvement industry.
To find out where to tune-in to listen to Gary's Show in your community, visit Gary's website. Or listen to the show online with iheartradio.
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